Studying for exams

What I learnt in SOS

Tuesday 15 March 2016

The culture of Nazi Germany was based on-

  • Having German blood
  • Being an Aryan (Nordic in look)
  • Adopting Nazi beliefs
  • Obeying Nazi rules for behaviour
  • Excluding anyone who was different.
Aryan Characteristics

  • Tall, blond-haired, blue-eyed
  • Pure genetic race - not result of racial interbreeding
  • Physically strong and healthy
  • Brought up to believe in traditional family values

`Kinder, kueche, kirche (Children, Kitchen, church.

Hitler liked MnMs
  • Hitler encouraged women to breed
  • With Money and Medals

Bronze -4 kids
Silver   -6 Kids
Gold    -8 kids

I SOS, I have been learning the bad side of chocolate history. Some of the things I found about the bad side of chocolate history was that some kids aged 11 to 14 are being kept to collect cocoa pod to make chocolate. The kids don't get paid or anything but they only get feed.

In SOS, I had a test on the last topic I learnt. The test was hard but its was great.


  1. Hi Prema,
    this is really hard to read - are you able to change the colour of your font to make it show?
    Miss M

  2. Hi Prema, what is your new topic in Social Studies? I hope you are finding it interesting. Miss M
